Brought to Tears by the Smiles of Polynesian Schoolchildren
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Learn why 30 school children from the French Polynesian island of Taha’a had us in tears. Read on…
Learn why 30 school children from the French Polynesian island of Taha’a had us in tears. Read on…
It’s quite likely that our hearts have forever been taken by these South Pacific islands. Read more…
Anyone who has ever been to Bora Bora gives serious thought to never leaving. Read more…
A day spent on the a private island owned by Paul Gauguin Cruises. Read on…
Stunning color and motion from Tahitian dancers aboard the Paul Gauguin Cruise Line. Read on…
It was just me, my camera, and this stunningly beautiful sunrise. Read on…
Silly me, I was unprepared for this photo-op, so I was frantically pawing in my pockets for my iPhone to capture this remarkable scene. Read on…